
We recently received a testimony from the caregivers and parents of Shalken, a young boy who attends Love a Child Clinic, Jesus Healing Center in Haiti.

Shalken is one of the many children in our Hope program. The Hope program serves as an integrative approach to health in conjunction with standard-of-care therapy. Six months ago, Shalken entered the program in desperate need of proper nutritional support. Since Shalken began receiving real-food nutrition through the Hope program, he has drastically improved.

His caregivers write, “Shalken and his Papa feel you have given them all hope and want to say ‘Thank You’ for changing not only Shalken’s life but also theirs. MannaRelief has changed Shalken’s life so much that he watches the clock to be sure he gets his nutrition on time.”

To ensure that Shalken, and other children like him, continue to receive the support their bodies need, please donate today at and click the link “Give Hope”.

If you know a child that would benefit from MannaRelief’s Hope program please visit our website at for more information.

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” –James 1:27